Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Chairs

I just picked up these chairs here in Los Osos for free! Thank you Craigslist. The cushions were extremely gross (they had thicker cushions for the back and seat) and immediately thrown away. I imagine these have been sitting in someone's "man cave" or garage for awhile. I don't love the oak wood grain or color BUT I do love the shape of these chairs. I plan on painting the wood and making new cushions with a cool graphic print. has some awesome before and afters that have me inspired.

I've also been inspired to start making some different things to sell at local craft fairs around the holidays. So far I've made a bunch of 'coffee cuffs' and some christmas stockings. Next on the list are oven mitts and aprons. I'm trying to use fun, colorful, retro prints and stay away from the tackier side of crafting. It can be a fine line. It would be great to make some extra money around the holidays but either way it's fun.

... and if my craft business is a bust, I can always stick to gourd farming.


  1. What great looking chairs! So unique! Can't wait to see what you do with them ... your first upholstery project.
    If you need the pattern for the "mouse in the elf hat" Xmas ornament for the crafts fair, let me know.
    As for the gourd, don't turn your back to it when your in the backyard!
    The link is really neat, I can see lots of good ideas and cool projects.
    Wish I had more time ...
    Love, Momala

  2. Even though I don't know you, I'm calling you to go to yard sales next time I'm in SLO. So much easier to access the sales down there --- most are off Broad. Love the chairs!! You mom also mentioned that Los Osos has good sales. Hmmmmm.

  3. I love the two blogs you two have started!
    I have a upholstery sewing machine, send down the cushion cover and I'll sew them for you -- or see ya soon. >:-)
